Welcome To Your Lifetime Access

Session 1a: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.

Secrets of Circulatory Health

Dr. Esselstyn, Jr. was a researcher and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for more than thirty-five years. In 1991, he served as the president of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons and organized the first National Conference on the Elimination of Heart Disease. In 2005, he became the first recipient of the Benjamin Spock Award for Compassion in Medicine. Dr. Esselstyn and his wife, Ann Crile Esselstyn, have followed a plant-based diet for more than twenty years. They work together to counsel patients in Cleveland and at the farm in upstate New York where Dr. Esselstyn grew up.

Session 1b: Cyd Notter

cyd notter

5 Reasons Dieters Regain the Weight
Free PDF Guide 

Tips for Safe  and Permanent Weight Loss (No Dieting Required)

Cyd Notter is a graduate of the Center for Nutrition Studies, a certified instructor for several dietary courses (including Dr. McDougall’s Starch Solution), a past newspaper columnist, and the author of the award-winning book, The “Plan A” Diet.

Cyd offers a variety of health and cooking classes locally and online, provides nutritional coaching on both individual and corporate levels, speaks to local groups, and has worked with school district employees and a hospital’s fitness center.

Her column titled “The Nutrition Coach”—which ran in three local newspapers for seven years—featured general dietary advice, recipes, and answers to reader’s questions. Several of her articles have also been published in Cape Style Magazine, a Florida-based online publication.

Combining her decades-long study of both nutrition and scripture, Cyd founded The ‘Plan A’ Diet™ to illustrate the correlations between biblical principles and healthy eating and to encourage Christians to take an active role in their health. Her “Wonderfully Made” ministry offers nutrition coaching, health and cooking classes, and weight loss challenges.

Notter’s past accolades include being named Woman of the Year by the Morris Business and Professional Women in 1998, Entrepreneur of the Year by the Grundy County Chamber of Commerce in 2000, and having her former business featured on several occasions in Décor magazine. She and her husband Steve enjoy outdoor activities, classic movies, and old Volkswagens.

Session 2a: Chef AJ

Sign up for her newsletter to get some of her awesome recipes

Chef AJ has been devoted to a plant-exclusive diet for over 43 years. She was the host of the television series Healthy Living with CHEF AJ which airs on Foody TV. A chef, culinary instructor, and professional speaker, she is the author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, which chronicles her journey from an obese junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps, to learning how to create foods that nourish and heal the body.
Her latest bestselling book The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss: A Revolutionary Approach to Conquer Cravings, Overcome Food Addiction and Lose Weight Without Going Hungry has received glowing endorsement by many luminaries in the plant-based movement.

Chef AJ was the Executive Pastry Chef at Santé Restaurant in Los Angeles where she was famous for her sugar, oil, salt, and gluten-free desserts which use the fruit, the whole fruit, and nothing but the whole fruit. These recipes can be found in her book A Date With Dessert.

She is the creator of the Ultimate Weight Loss Program, which has helped hundreds of people achieve the health and the body that they deserve, and is proud to say that her IQ is higher than her cholesterol. In 2018 she was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame.

Session 2b: Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN

Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, is a nutrition communications specialist, speaker, spokesperson, corporate consultant, and registered dietitian in private practice. She is the founder and owner of Nutrition Starring YOU, LLC where she specializes in weight management and prediabetes.

Lauren is the author of The Everything Easy Pre-Diabetes Cookbook: 200 Healthy Recipes to Help Reverse and Manage Pre-Diabetes (Simon and Schuster, 2021) and The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club: Easy High Protein Recipes with 300 Calories or Less to Help You Lose Weight and Boost Metabolism (Eggplant Press, 2017).

Lauren has also maintained a private practice in the New York/New Jersey area for over 25 years. She holds both B.S. and M.S. degrees in clinical nutrition from The Pennsylvania State University and New York University and trained and worked at major medical centers, including Weill Cornell Medical Center and NYU Medical Center.

She has counseled celebrity clients and presents wellness programs for major corporations, charitable organizations and schools. She has also worked with non-profit agencies to provide nutrition counseling to the uninsured and underserved. Having grown up with overweight and obesity, Lauren is dedicated to combating the growing adult and childhood obesity epidemic, especially weight stigma.

Lauren is regularly featured in digital, print and broadcast media. She is also a contributor to Today’s Dietitian Magazine, Food & Nutrition Magazine and Clean Plates Magazine.

Session 3a: Dr. Wayne Dysinger

Dr. Wayne Dysinger

E-book guide. Build a lifestyle that empowers you to heal.

Top 3 Food Principles

Dr. Dysinger is a lifestyle, preventive and family medicine physician who currently serves as physician, chair and founder of Lifestyle Medical, a new model group of primary care clinics built around Lifestyle Medicine principles. He is also the co-founder of the Lifestyle Medicine Network, a collaboration of primary care practices throughout the United States that all have a Lifestyle Medicine foundation. Additionally, he is the Chair of both the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine and the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine. He is an active faculty at Loma Linda University and consults, teaches and participates in research on Lifestyle Medicine issues around the world.

Dr. Dysinger is a past President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and past Medical Director for the Complete Health Improvement Program. He has previously worked in various capacities with the American Medical Association, the American College of Preventive Medicine and the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Prior to his current position, Dr. Dysinger was Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda University, and faculty/co-founder of both the Family and the Preventive Medicine residencies at Dartmouth. He has also worked in faculty, patient care and service capacities in Atlanta and Guam.

Dr. Dysinger earned his M.D. degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine (1986), and his MPH from Loma Linda University School of Public Health (1990). He is a Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, the American College of Preventive Medicine, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Session 3b: Dr. Laura DeCesaris

dr. laura decesaris

Top 10 Secrets for High-Performance Health

Learn how to:
• Support healthy aging + longevity
• Create an environment for your • hormones to thrive
Reduce inflammation and boost energy

Exercise & Metabolism

Dr. Laura DeCesaris is a functional medicine doctor who serves as a health and performance coach for busy, driven women. She helps female entrepreneurs align their brain and body for optimal health so they can maintain their high-performance lifestyle without burning out.

Session 4a: Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Win the War on Cancer Masterclass
FREE Webinar to Arm Yourself in the Fight to Win the War on Cancer!

Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. He specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Dr. Fuhrman is the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation and on the faculty of Northern Arizona University, Health Sciences division. He coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe a nutrient-dense eating style, designed to prevent cancer, slow aging, and extend lifespan.

For over 30 years, Dr. Fuhrman has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse heart disease, diabetes and many other illnesses using smart nutrition. In his medical practice, and through his books and television specials, he continues to bring this life-saving message to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

A native of Yonkers, N.Y., Dr. Fuhrman is a former world-class figure skater, who placed second in the United States National Pairs Championships in 1973 and third in the 1976 World Professional Pairs Skating Championship in Jaca, Spain. Along with his nutritional expertise, Dr. Fuhrman has been involved professionally with sports medical committees, advised professional and Olympic athletes, and has lectured to athletic trainers and world-class athletes about maximizing performance and preventing injury.

Dr. Fuhrman is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers, including his most recent book, Eat for Life (HarperOne, 2020). His other bestsellers include: Eat to Live (Little Brown, 2003); Super Immunity (HarperOne, 2012); The End of Diabetes (HarperOne, 2013); The Eat to Live Cookbook (HarperOne, 2013); The End of Dieting (HarperOne, 2014) and The End of Heart Disease (HarperOne, 2016).

More biographical information here: BIO

Session 4b: Barbara O'Neill

Barbara O'Neill

Pondering the Power of the Pancreas
PDF guide

Barbara O'Neill was born in 1953 in Ingleburn, New South Wales. Barbara was born into a conventional Australian home and she was the second child with one older brother and three younger sisters. Her father owned and operated a Shell Service Station at Lugarno, NSW, and Barbara had the misfortune to see her mother die at the young age of 51 from rheumatoid arthritis.
Barbara's first work on leaving school was as a hairdresser and some years later trained and worked as a psychiatric nurse at North Ryde Psychiatric Hospital.
Barbara's journey into natural health commenced when her first child Emma contracted whooping cough and spend weeks in hospital. This became the motivation for Barbara to search out the cause, find a remedy and live a lifestyle that would prevent this from happening again.

With her partner, she embraced an alternative ‘hippie’ lifestyle and moved from Sydney to a north NSW rainforest area east of Coffs Harbour.
Removed from close proximity to conventional medical facilities Barbara studied health and home schooled her six children. Her reputation grew as a ‘healer’ and people brought their sick children to her for advice and assistance, and she became locally known as ‘earth mother’.

In addition to her passion for health, Barbara embraced Christianity at 26 years of age. This put her on a new path to look at the human body in the light that it is not a product of random un-controlled evolution, but that it was intricately designed with all its inbuilt mechanisms to self-heal. Barbara was particularly inspired by the health writings of a 19th-century female writer Ellen G White.

After 12 years of living in a rainforest, and in an abusive and toxic relationship, Barbara left the marriage and moved closer to civilisation to allow her older children to obtain work.
Barbara’s interest in health knowledge led her to study and obtain a Diploma in Naturopathy in 1994 and later in 2005 as a Nutritionist. Barbara’s real healing success springs from the knowledge of the body’s ability to heal itself, and then working ‘with’ the body to achieve the healing response.

After her marriage breakdown in 1993, Barbara put her energies into raising her children and in 1996 moved to Queensland where she worked at Living Valley Springs Health Retreat as a Naturopath. It was here she renewed an old friendship with the Retreat Business Manager Michael O’Neill and they were married in October 1997.

The following year, Barbara and her family of now eight children, (Michael had two children), moved to Narbethong, Victoria where they started a health retreat for a non-profit organisation. They continued there for nearly six years, and in 2003 relocated to their new property near Bellbrook, NSW. They then started their new venture, Misty Mountain Health Retreat.

Over the years Barbara has become a highly sort after health lecturer, as people appreciate her common sense approach to health problems. Barbara’s lecture series have circulated around the globe via video, DVD and YouTube. They have touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and have brought relief to thousands of suffering individuals as they embrace the simple and powerful laws of health.

Barbara’s great passion and life work lies in the educating of people in the correct health principles that lead to longer, healthier and happier lives.

Session 5: Susanne McAllister

Susanne McAllister

9 things you MUST know to successfully start intermittent fasting for women 40+
Your step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how it’s done the right way

Mind-Body Connections

Susanne is a Psychotherapist, Health and Wellness Coach, Mentor and Author.  Born in Germany, Susanne often got in trouble for asking too many questions, or the ‘wrong’ questions. She was inquisitive, read every book she could get her hands on and always wanted to know “why”.

She has lived in several countries around the world, but has settled in Queensland, Australia, where she currently lives on the Sunshine Coast. Susanne holds a Bachelor of Social Science in Counselling, and  Master’s Degree of Arts in Transformative Psychology .

Susanne has a passion for working with women, helping them to live their best and most authentic life’s.

In the future, Susanne hopes to continue travelling the world, find communities to connect with,  and have fun while doing so!

In her spare time, Susanne  sings in a Duo, reads, and loves spending time at the sea side.

Session 6a: Kathy A. Davis

Recipes the Whole Family Will Love
Free meal plan

Making Plant-based Easy!

Kathy is a plant-based lifestyle and mindset coach, the CEO of VegInspired, and the author of three cookbooks. Kathy helps women adopt healthy habits so they can lose weight, gain energy, or reverse illness.

Kathy has been eating and creating vegan meals for more than eight years. Over the past three years, she shifted her daily habits to follow a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. She has regained control of her wellness as well as experiencing amazing results: more than 40-pound weight loss, renewed energy, a newfound sense of joy, and a healthier mind and body! Kathy’s brand, Veginspired, is dedicated to providing women with the resources to make a similar transformation and step into the best version of themselves.

Kathy embodies a life of wellness and embracing her dreams as she runs her business while simultaneously traveling the United States in an RV with her husband and cat. They’ve been to 29 states and 20 national parks and have a goal to visit all the US national parks!

• Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Diet Cookbook  Learn More 
• Super Easy Plant-Based Cookbook Learn More
• 30-Minute Whole-Food, Plant-Based Cookbook Learn More

Session 6b: Tina McDermott

Joyful Gut Reboot Guide!

The Inspirational Lazy Chef

Inspirational Chef, Speaker & Weight Loss Coach. I spent most of my life struggling with digestive issues – I didn’t understand that the embarrassing gas, bloating, constipation, and yo-yo weight gain/loss all were interconnected. I had these issues since I was a teenager, thinking that this is just ‘the way it is’, and that I had to live with it.

Flash forward to my 30’s, I learned that I had Lyme disease which had gone undetected for years and wreaked havoc on my body. Along with digestive issues, I also suffered from extreme and chronic fatigue, depression, vertigo, fevers, weight gain and ultimately Hashimoto’s disease. I thought I was going through menopause at the age of 37! I didn’t understand why all this was happening to me. Privately, I was suffering. Parts of my life, however, were abundant and full. I was a successful nutritional consultant and personal trainer, happily married to my best friend, doggie mom to three, and part of a large and loving Italian family. Even though I was exhausted all the time, I still worked with my clients, cooked healthy foods, exercised as much as I could, and spent time with my family and friends. Juggling of all this was not easy, but I was determined to have a joyous life.

It took me five years to finally figure out ways to be symptom-free. I now manage my wellness and weight naturally through food, fitness, and the right supplements. At 54 and going through menopause, I have learned to embrace the transition and go through it with grace and ease.
My inspiration and love of wellness began when my older sister, Anna, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 23, which ultimately took her at the age of 47. Anna's illness and suffering was a wakeup call for me to learn more about how to take better care of health and help others as well.

My mission is to teach women about natural health and wellness, and how to live a healthier and happier life. I have also discovered methods to release self-sabotaging beliefs and how to come to peace with them.

When I am home, I am busy cooking home-made, healthy meals for my family and friends. I am an outdoor enthusiast and love bicycling with my husband, traveling, hiking, and playing and snuggling with my three dogs, Geddy Lee, Nala, and Wolfgang and two rambunctious kitties, Monkey and Mickey.
Wishing you a healthy, Vibrant and Free Life!

Tina “Joyful” McDermott

Session 7a: Lauren Sanchez, CHHP

lauren sanchez

Waist Reduction Guide
4 Body Boosting Secrets to Dramatically Cinch Your Waist In Just 2 Weeks

Lauren Sanchez, CHHP is a board-certified holistic health practitioner, women's weight loss specialist and founder of the Purposeful Wellness Corporation. She’s known for her no-nonsense, keep-it-simple approach for helping busy women get their health, body, confidence and energy levels back and better than ever through holistic modalities that bring balance to the body and mind.

Session 7b: Tim Kaufman

Tim Kaufman

FatMan's Favorites
80 Quick and Easy Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes E-cookbook

Tim Kaufman of FatManRants was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) in his early twenties. He was in chronic pain most of his life. By the time he had reached the age of 37 he was addicted to Fentanyl, alcohol, and fast food. At over 400 pounds he was unable to perform simple daily tasks. He had many chronic health issues and was almost immobile. He had lost his interest in life and had almost given up. Tim started a journey to regain his health. He started to change one small thing at a time. He is now an athlete that thrives on a plant-based whole food lifestyle and leads a healthy, happy, productive, and very active life that is free of all medications he was once on. His passion is to spread the message that anyone can transition to a healthy, active lifestyle and dramatically change their life regardless of their current situation or size.

Tim has appeared on Podcasts from around the world and has been filmed for upcoming movies. He has been featured in Runners World Magazine, Good Morning America, Today, People, WebMd, ESPN, and many other media outlets. Tim uses his platform as an international speaker to educate, inform and motivate people about plant-based nutrition, fitness, addiction recovery, overcoming physical challenges, and emotional and spiritual wellness.

 Tim and Heather 

Tim and Heather Kaufman's marriage has seen its share of crisis and tragedy. Obesity, disease, addiction, inactivity, and helplessness affected their daily lives. All that changed when the Kaufmans adopted a plant-based lifestyle. Rejuvenating their marriage, they now thrive on whole foods and lead a healthy, happy, and very active life. Their passion is to spread the message of health and to help people understand that this lifestyle is out there for anyone who is willing to make the change.

Watch their story in this short video version 

Session 8: Dr. William Li

Free guide on foods to help lower cancer risk!  

Eat To Beat Disease

Dr. William Li, physician, scientist, president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, and author of Eat To Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself and the upcoming “Eat to Beat Your Diet: A 21-Day Plan to Activate Your Health Defenses, Lose Weight, and Maximize Healing” which will be released March 21, 2023.

William W. Li, MD, is a world-renowned physician, scientist, speaker, and author of EAT TO BEAT DISEASE – The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. He is best known for leading the Angiogenesis Foundation. His groundbreaking work has impacted more than 70 diseases including cancer, diabetes, blindness, heart disease, and obesity. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views, and he has appeared on: Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Voice of America; and in The Atlantic, TIME, and The New York Times. An author of over 100 scientific publications in leading journals such as Science, the New England Journal of Medicine, and The Lancet, Dr. Li has served on the faculties of Harvard Medical School, Tufts University, and Dartmouth Medical School.

Session 9a: Dr. David DeRose

Fasting: Valued Across Cultural and Spiritual Lines

Dr. David DeRose is a physician holding board certifications in both Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH) with an emphasis in Health Promotion and Health Education. In addition to his conventional training, Dr. DeRose has three decades of experience in the alternative and complementary health field. He has worked at some of the nation’s most innovative health centers including over six years as a founding physician, and later Medical Director, of the Lifestyle Center of America. Please click below for his professional CV.

Dr. DeRose is a published scientific researcher, who is also known for his ability to take complex subjects and explain them in lay terms. His health communication skills have been honed by more than twenty years of radio and television work and a busy public speaking schedule. Dr. DeRose is currently heard on some 200 stations as host of the nationally syndicated health radio program, American Indian Living. Please click here for a list of publications.

Dr. DeRose is known for his ability to make complex health subjects easily understood to people across educational and cultural lines. Dr. DeRose has worked in a variety of settings including the Midwest; Southern California; Orlando, Florida; New England; and New York City. His eclectic medical background provides a breadth of experience guaranteeing that all will relate to his compelling presentations of life-changing health information.

Session 9b: Daniel Vierra, Jr.

Learn How To Follow A Simple And Successful Diet For Optimal Weight Loss

Daniel Vierra is the Director of Modern Manna Ministries and BellaVita Lifestyle Center. For almost two decades, Daniel has passionately assisted individuals in regaining their health and living life to its fullest. As a Natural Hygiene Coach, Daniel specializes in detoxification, nutrition, herbal medicine, and hydrotherapy techniques.

As a Christian, Daniel enjoys sharing the love of Christ with those eager to know more about the transforming power of that love.

Session 10: Dr. Hans Diehl, DrHSc, MPH, FACN

Dr. Hans Diehl

YOU TURN E-booklet
YOU-TURN will empower you to make some lifestyle changes to prevent and even reverse many of today’s killer diseases, which are largely lifestyle related: how we eat and drink, whether we smoke and exercise, and how we handle the stresses of life. YOU-TURN will help you discover—day by day, and step by step—not only a better life but the best life. After all, life and health are largely matters of choice and not of chance.

Eat More - Weigh Less

Dr. Diehl saw the amazing results of lifestyle intervention at the renowned Pritikin Longevity Center where he served as research and education director. Inspired to make better health accessible to the masses, he developed an affordable, community-based program designed to arrest and reverse society’s most common chronic diseases. Today, over 85,000 participants and clinical results published in 45 peer-reviewed scientific journals attest to the success of Dr. Diehl‘s approach. His co-authored books Health Power, the Optimal Diet Cookbook, Take Charge of Your Health, and You-Turn have been translated into 36 languages with a circulation of over two million. He is a clinical professor of Preventive Medicine at Loma Linda University and on the Board of Advisors of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. He continues to present the science of lifestyle change with his trademark blend of humor and inspiration.

Bonus 1: Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie

3 Secrets to Weight Loss You Must Know

In this webinar, you will discover the secrets you need to:
• Boost your body's metabolism instead of working against it.
• Break through mindset blocks & cultivate consistency.
• Lose weight & maintain your happy, healthy weight.

Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD, DABOM, is a dual board certified integrative obesity specialist, bestselling author, philanthropist, and dynamic speaker. But Dr. Sylvia is more than a doctor; she's a loving woman of God, wife, and mom of 2rambunctious kids who loves helping other women thrive and embrace their wellness in the midst of busyness. Eight years ago, Dr. Sylvia had achieved her dream job and family. But she was weighed down with 40 extra pounds due to perfectionism, people-pleasing, and emotional eating. Diets didn't work anymore. She had to shed the emotional weight of success and prioritize herself. Today, Dr. Sylvia lives lighter in body, mind, and spirit. In 2020, she created Embrace You Weight & Wellness to empower other successful women carrying extra weight with the body, mind, and spirit tools you need to prioritize yourself and live lighter.

On her journey, Dr. Sylvia became a wellness mindset strategist, certified group fitness instructor, marathon runner, and a quick meals creative cook. She specializes in transforming women's relationship with food and empowering them with skills to maintain their consistent happy, healthy weight and wellness amid life's busyness.

When Dr. Sylvia isn't helping women prioritize themselves and optimize their wellness, she enjoys leveraging her expertise in culturally sensitive obesity care to work towards eliminating health disparities. Dr. Sylvia is a sought-after health consultant, program designer, and freelance writer. In
addition, she and her husband of 14 years, Rodney, enjoy serving Christ and giving back to their communities locally & globally. In 2017, Rodney and Dr. Sylvia founded the Institute of Basic Technology, Liberia's only non-profit STEM lab for high school students.

Dr. Sylvia is purpose-driven and Spirit-led. She met Jesus at eight and has been living for Jesus since age 13. Since high school, Dr. Sylvia has enjoyed serving in the body of Christ- from singing in the gospel choir for eight years to filling numerous Christian leadership positions. A few of her past roles include President of Wesleyan Christian Fellowship and President of George Washington School of Medicine Christian Medical And Dental Association. Additionally, she has led numerous Bible studies and has been a guest speaker at many churches in the past 20+ years. Currently, Dr. Sylvia serves as the founder & co- leader of Busy Woman's Oasis, a thriving women's group at Catalyst Church in Bethesda, MD. In addition, she and her family are active members at Catalyst Church in Bethesda, MD.

Bonus 2: Chef Chloe Sutliffe 

Chloe Bewley Sutliffe, BS, LMT, CHWC. Chloe knows her way around the kitchen. She is Rouxbe Culinary Certified chef who has owned and operated two vegan restaurants, taught many cooking classes and has a passion for health. Chloe continues to assist in local interventions by guiding participants in the practical application of dietary change and adherence. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Natural Health from Clayton College of Natural Health, is a licensed massage therapist and is a Wellcoach certified health and wellness coach. She has carefully saved the many recipes she has used in her restaurants and cooking classes that were loved by her customers and cooking class students. These have been compiled into a cookbook that is hot off the presses, “Cooking with Chloe” sold on Amazon. She continues to educate herself in the natural health field.

Bonus 3: Dr. Edward Abramson

What's Holding You Back?
Get the pre-publication excerpt from Chapter 2 of his new book. 

When you really want to exercise but just can't make yourself do it

Abramson, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist, Professor Emeritus at California State University, and former Director of the Eating Disorders Center at Chico Community Hospital. He is the author of six books including Body Intelligence, Emotional Eating, It's NOT Just Baby Fat!, and the forthcoming I Know I should Exercise But... He's the author of more than 20 scientific studies of obesity and eating disorders.
Dr. Abramson has appeared on dozens of television and radio programs including 20/20, and is routinely quoted in publications including NY Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Washington Post, and Us Weekly. Ed is a Fellow of The Obesity Society and served on the Board of Directors of the California Psychological Association. He has lectured widely throughout the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Ed is an engaging, relatable speaker who combines an extensive knowledge of research on eating issues with clinical insight gained from years of professional experience.

Bonus 4: Dr. Shefaly Ravula

Five Nutrient-Dense Recipes to Maximise Your Phytonutrient Intake

Dr. Shefaly Ravula has been a board-certified physician associate for about 25 years. She graduated from the University of Texas in Austin in 1997 and graduated from the UT Southwestern Physician Assistant Graduate Program in 1999. After several initial years of working in Seattle in inpatient care, she and her husband moved to Austin and she began working in conventional inpatient and outpatient gastroenterology. It was around this time, especially after a significant family health scare, that she began taking a deep dive into nutrition courses and this started a lifelong journey into nutrition education.

During a hiatus from medical practice while raising her small children, she also began teaching cooking classes in Austin. She ultimately became a food writer, food-as-medicine instructor, and kitchen coach for patients. During this time she continued expanding her nutrition knowledge by attending nutrition conferences for medical providers, taking CME courses, and beginning the Institute of Functional Medicine certification process.

Dr.  Shefaly continued working in GI addressing gut health, IBS, inflammatory bowel disease, GERD and other gastrointestinal issues, using her nutrition knowledge base, up until the pandemic began when she decided to pursue her true passion of integrative and lifestyle medicine. She worked in a conventional practice as a nutritionist and functional medicine provider for 2 years, primarily working with metabolic dysfunction, hormone imbalances, heart disease, insulin resistance, obesity and IBS patients in this unique position in that practice. 

Ultimately she decided to open 
Precision Metabolic Health, a virtual telehealth functional nutrition and lifestyle medicine micropractice, which at its core uses a culinary medicine toolkit for digestive and metabolic health. At PMH, she helps guide patients in a medical philosophy that is an intersection of lifestyle medicine, functional medicine, prevention medicine, and the burgeoning field of nutrigenomics. The foundation of it all is "food as medicine" and she simultaneously launched the Food-as-Medicine Academy, a virtual cooking academy teaching nutrition alongside cooking and learning to apply it in the kitchen.

Precision Metabolic Health Connect
Instagram: @precisionmetabolichealth
Tik Tok: Precision Metabolic Health
Facebook:  Precision Metabolic Health 
Twitter: @precisionmetab

Bonus 5: Dr. Leona Allen

Dr. Leona Allen

7 Things You Must Know Before Starting Your Next Weight Loss Program

Dr. Leona Allen is the founder of Freedom Health Systems, which is dedicated to helping women achieve more freedom in their health and their life!

Dr. Leona is known for her innovative programs that help busy, professional women transform their health and their life by removing the physical, chemical and emotional barriers to natural healing.

For many years, Dr. Leona lived with chronic headaches, fatigue, and weight gain, only to find out that they were due to prediabetes and fatty liver disease. Understanding the serious impact this could have on her life, she became determined to discover what it would take to heal her body. Her journey to healing has been a major turning point in her health, her life, and the way she runs her practice.

Programs developed by Dr. Leona are customized, based upon a thorough health assessment. She believes that a person’s current health status is a reflection of the stressors the body has endured over an extended period of time. Dr. Leona works closely with her patients to develop plans designed to reduce the negative effects of physical and emotional trauma, nutritional
deficiencies, chronic cellular inflammation, and toxicity.

Dr. Leona received her Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University and her Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from Life University. Now a licensed chiropractor, for over 20 years, Dr. Leona has developed her practice to embrace a
whole-body, natural health care approach.

Dr. Leona is a proud mother of two energetic boys, has a first-degree black belt in taekwondo, and is active in CrossFit. She also enjoys to traveling, dancing, and cuddling up with a good book.

To learn more about how you can get to the root cause of your health problem and begin to rebuild your body at the cellular level, visit her website at www.drleoan.com.

Copyright ⓒ Lucia Tiffany. All rights reseved.
