Session 4b

Karen Ranzi, M.A. is the Award-Winning Author of numerous books on health and healing with raw vegan nutrition, Vegan Health Coach since 1998, Internationally Acclaimed Speaker, Director of the Vegan Coach Certification Course, Health Retreat Leader for Retreats in Costa Rica and the Women’s Health Retreat, and Speech Pathologist. Karen has been a featured speaker worldwide for over twenty years, presenting at events such as the London VegFest and key note speaker at the annual Woodstock Fruit Festival. Karen is a pioneer in the vegan and raw food movements, vegan for 34 years and raw vegan for 29 years.

Throughout her health coaching career, Karen has worked with many clients with pre-diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, facilitated their transition to a whole foods plant-based high raw diet and observed the remarkable results... as lowering of the A-1 C marker, elimination of cholesterol drugs, significant weight loss, increased energy, improved mental clarity and many other signs of recovery in her clients.

In 1994, Karen was able to heal her three year old son from asthma, chronic ear infections and multiple allergies, and herself from digestive and skin problems (severe cystic acne for over twenty-five years) through dietary and lifestyle changes. By means of her education, life-changing personal experiences, and sincere desire to share her message, Karen has been able to guide thousands toward developing excellent health through plant-based raw food living.

Karen's websites are:

Karen's Free Gift

The Hormone Boost Plan digital guide
