Session 3

8 years ago, Luisa Morrone was a disaster! Luisa needed her right hip replaced but didn’t qualify for the surgery due to her obesity. She weighed 320 lb, was a type 2 diabetic, depressed, on medication and used a cane to walk due to excruciating pain in her hips. Her doctor kept asking her to lose weight but every year she did the opposite and gained weight instead even though the doctor told her she would eventually end up in a wheelchair at the rate she was going.

The day her doctor told her she had become a diabetic and prescribed medication was her “Ah Ha” moment. She knew that if she didn’t do something she would end up like her beloved late father, who was a diabetic as well and ended up tethered to a kidney dialysis machine in the end.

Luisa came up with the KCKO method. Luisa decided to start on Monday (we all start on a Monday don't we) and has not looked back. She has lost 150 lbs, reversed type 2 diabetes and is no longer on medication.

She now wears clothes she only dreamt of fitting into, loves to dance and has taken up yoga and weight training. She also got her hip replacement and threw away her cane!

Luisa now helps type 2 diabetics do exactly what she did: reverse this silent killer disease naturally, get off medication and lose weight. Her clients are meeting with great success! They are losing weight; they are getting off medication and their doctors are amazed by their improved A1C levels and lab reports.

Luisa's Free Gift

Free guide on "How To Get Started" to unlock your path to health and freedom
