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Julie Freeman is a licensed integrative nutritionist with graduate education in psychology, counseling and education. Post-graduate concentration has been in functional medicine, with completion and certification in this discipline. She has over 40 years’ experience in the field of nutrition, counseling, fitness, genomics and health promotion, with a passion for women’s health across the lifecycle.
She is certified in Mind-Body Medicine, Yoga and Reiki and uses microdosing in her practice along with preparation and ongoing integration and support. She has authored three cookbooks with a focus on balanced meals in book one and healthy, low glycemic desserts and snacks in book two. Julie has a passion and knack for creating meals that are eye-appealing, delicious and healthy. Her third book, Sunflowers, Sapphires and Seraphim, is her personal story of transformation – an opportunity to share and inspire hope for others faced with life’s challenges.
Julie's Free Gift
Free Trial 3-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan Plan
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