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Dr. Debra Shapiro has practiced medicine for over 3 decades, and is Board Certified in both Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Lifestyle Medicine. She has been studying Plant-Based Nutrition for 10 years, with a Certificate from e.Cornell and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She is a Certified Health Coach and a Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator. Her passion is using plant based nutrition and lifestyle medicine to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease. In addition to coaching one on one, she co-created a novel group coaching program, The Pregnancy Advantage™ to help people prepare physically and emotionally for pregnancy, with the goal of increasing fertility, decreasing pregnancy complications and improving the health of future generations. She is a contributor to the 2022 ACLM textbook, Improving Women’s Health Across the Lifespan, and has appeared on numerous podcasts and in print magazines.

Get her FREE eBook "Why Eat Plants?"
